Vincent Liu
(University of Pittsburgh)
The p-orbital band of optical lattices is a topic that
emerged in recent few years of theoretical studies.
Experimental observations of p-band BEC (reported by T.
Mueller et al 2007 and G. Wirth et al 2010) make this topic
an exciting one. In this talk, I will first try to explain
why the system of ultracold particles in the lattice p-bands
is conceptually intriguing and unique to cold atomic gases.
Then I will report some interesting new quantum orbital
phases that we have found, such as finite-momentum px+ipy
Bose-Einstein condensates, staggered orbital currents,
stripes of angular momenta, and incommensurate super-current
density wave, as well as the realization of some condensed
matter orbital models such as the quantum 120 degree model
and the quantum dimer model. Work done in collaboration with
X. Li, C. Lin, J. Moore, S. Das Sarma, K. Sun, V. M.
Stojanovic,C. Wu, and E. Zhao.
Primary author
Vincent Liu
(University of Pittsburgh)