July 19, 2010 to August 27, 2010
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Pedagogical introduction to multicomponent unconventional superconductors

Jul 27, 2010, 3:00 PM
1h 15m



Prof. Daniel Agterberg (University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee)


This talk will discuss symmetry based Ginzburg-Landau theories for unconventional superconductors with an emphasis on multicomponent order parameters. This will begin with an introduction to the group theory needed for Ginzburg Landau theory. This will be followed by an overview of the derivation of the Ginzburg Landau phenomenological coefficients from weak-coupling BCS theory. The example of a p+ip spin-triplet superconductor will be discussed in detail.

Primary author

Prof. Daniel Agterberg (University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee)

Presentation materials