TeV Scale Physics and Dark Matter
Sunday, June 1, 2008 (8:00 AM)
Thursday, July 31, 2008 (6:00 PM)
Monday, May 26, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Sunday, June 1, 2008
4:00 PM
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Monday, June 2, 2008
10:00 AM
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
10:10 AM
Coffee break
Coffee break
10:10 AM - 10:30 AM
Ideas over coffee
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
2:00 PM
Spontaneous R-parity and CP violation
Timo Ruppell
Helsinki Institute of Physics
Spontaneous R-parity and CP violation
Timo Ruppell
Helsinki Institute of Physics
2:00 PM - 2:20 PM
Thursday, June 5, 2008
2:00 PM
Randall-Sundrum model in more than 5 dimensions
Debajyoti Choudhury
Delhi University
Randall-Sundrum model in more than 5 dimensions
Debajyoti Choudhury
Delhi University
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
5:00 PM
Spin 1 top partner
Andrea Romanino
Spin 1 top partner
Andrea Romanino
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Friday, June 6, 2008
10:15 AM
The flavour problem
Andrea Romanino
The flavour problem
Andrea Romanino
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
8:00 AM
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
7:00 PM
"The Large Hadron Collider and the search for dark matter"
"The Large Hadron Collider and the search for dark matter"
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Friday, June 13, 2008
8:00 AM
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday, June 14, 2008
8:00 AM
8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
9:00 AM
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Room: FB51
10:15 AM
Mass determination in SUSY
Alan Barr
Mass determination in SUSY
Alan Barr
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
10:15 AM
Determining the WIMP mass from direct detection experiments
Anne Green
University of Nottingham
Determining the WIMP mass from direct detection experiments
Anne Green
University of Nottingham
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
2:00 PM
Dark matter in the sky
Joakim Edsjö
Dark matter in the sky
Joakim Edsjö
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
2:00 PM
QCD matrix-element/parton-shower matching
Peter Skands
QCD matrix-element/parton-shower matching
Peter Skands
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Thursday, June 19, 2008
10:15 AM
How to distinguish SUSY from other SM extensions at the LHC
Werner Porod
Universitat Wurzburg
How to distinguish SUSY from other SM extensions at the LHC
Werner Porod
Universitat Wurzburg
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Friday, June 20, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
10:15 AM
Dark Matter and Lepton Flavour Violation in R-violating supersymmetry
Smaragda Lola
Dept.of Physics, University of Patras
Dark Matter and Lepton Flavour Violation in R-violating supersymmetry
Smaragda Lola
Dept.of Physics, University of Patras
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
2:00 PM
Higgs-dependent leptogenesis
Martti Raidal
National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics
Higgs-dependent leptogenesis
Martti Raidal
National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
10:15 AM
More about Unparticles
Bohdan Grzadkowski
University of Warsaw
More about Unparticles
Bohdan Grzadkowski
University of Warsaw
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
2:00 PM
Lepton family symmetry O(2) and a light pseudoscalar
Luis Lavoura
Technical University of Lisbon
Lepton family symmetry O(2) and a light pseudoscalar
Luis Lavoura
Technical University of Lisbon
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
10:15 AM
SUSY searches at future collider and DM expts
Durga Prasad Roy
Homi Bhabha Centre, Tata Inst. of Fundamental Research
SUSY searches at future collider and DM expts
Durga Prasad Roy
Homi Bhabha Centre, Tata Inst. of Fundamental Research
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
2:00 PM
Higgs at LHC
David Miller
University of Glasgow
Higgs at LHC
David Miller
University of Glasgow
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Thursday, June 26, 2008
10:15 AM
Dark matter and relic density in the models of non-universal gaugino masses
Jari Laamanen
Technische Universität Dortmund
Dark matter and relic density in the models of non-universal gaugino masses
Jari Laamanen
Technische Universität Dortmund
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
2:00 PM
Higgs at LHC (encore)
Higgs at LHC (encore)
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Friday, June 27, 2008
10:15 AM
String extensions of the Standard Model
Paolo Di Vecchia
String extensions of the Standard Model
Paolo Di Vecchia
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
2:00 PM
String extensions of the Standard Model, cont
String extensions of the Standard Model, cont
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Monday, June 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
10:15 AM
Hard Multijet predictions using High Energy Factorisation
Jeppe Andersen
Hard Multijet predictions using High Energy Factorisation
Jeppe Andersen
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
2:00 PM
Jet-jet jets etc.
Are Raklev
University of Cambridge
Jet-jet jets etc.
Are Raklev
University of Cambridge
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
10:15 AM
Leptogenesis or leptonic masses and mixing at low energies
Margarida Nesbitt Rebelo
Dept de Fisica, Instituto Superior Tecnico
Leptogenesis or leptonic masses and mixing at low energies
Margarida Nesbitt Rebelo
Dept de Fisica, Instituto Superior Tecnico
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Thursday, July 3, 2008
10:15 AM
Neutralino Dark Matter in the U(1)-extended MSSM
Jan Kalinowski
University of Warsaw
Neutralino Dark Matter in the U(1)-extended MSSM
Jan Kalinowski
University of Warsaw
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Friday, July 4, 2008
10:15 AM
Symmetry and Mass Degeneration in Multi-Higgs-Doublet Models
Kåre Olaussen
Institutt for fysikk, NTNU, Trondheim
Symmetry and Mass Degeneration in Multi-Higgs-Doublet Models
Kåre Olaussen
Institutt for fysikk, NTNU, Trondheim
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
10:15 AM
Extending the Higgs funnel region for SUSY dark matter via non-universal scalar masses
Utpal Chattopadhyay
Extending the Higgs funnel region for SUSY dark matter via non-universal scalar masses
Utpal Chattopadhyay
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
10:15 AM
SUSY at the LHC with sneutrino LSP's
SUSY at the LHC with sneutrino LSP's
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
10:15 AM
Supernova neutrinos
Solveig Skadhauge
Supernova neutrinos
Solveig Skadhauge
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
2:00 PM
Sneutrino mass determination
University of Warsaw
Sneutrino mass determination
University of Warsaw
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
10:15 AM
Charged Relics
Laura Covi
Charged Relics
Laura Covi
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
10:15 AM
Exotic Implications of Electron and Photon Final States
Santosh Rai
Helsinki Institute of Physics
Exotic Implications of Electron and Photon Final States
Santosh Rai
Helsinki Institute of Physics
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Comments on arXiv:0807.1746 by Lisa Randall and Mark Wise
2:00 PM
Trilinear couplings in the 2HDM
Per Osland
University of Bergen
Trilinear couplings in the 2HDM
Per Osland
University of Bergen
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
10:15 AM
Multiple Point Principle
Debajyoti Choudhury
University of Delhi
Multiple Point Principle
Debajyoti Choudhury
University of Delhi
10:15 AM - 10:35 AM
Thursday, July 17, 2008
10:15 AM
Gravitino Dark Matter
Laura Covi
Gravitino Dark Matter
Laura Covi
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
2:00 PM
Indirect SUSY constraints
Nazila Mahmoudi
Indirect SUSY constraints
Nazila Mahmoudi
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Friday, July 18, 2008
10:15 AM
Charged Higgses in 2HDM and beyond
Stefano Moretti
NExT Institute (Southampton/RAL)
Charged Higgses in 2HDM and beyond
Stefano Moretti
NExT Institute (Southampton/RAL)
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
10:15 AM
Neutrino masses and TeV seesaw mechanism
Sourov Roy
Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
Neutrino masses and TeV seesaw mechanism
Sourov Roy
Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
2:00 PM
Delta rho in multi-Higgs-doublet models
Per Osland
University of Bergen
Delta rho in multi-Higgs-doublet models
Per Osland
University of Bergen
2:00 PM - 2:20 PM
Friday, July 25, 2008
10:15 AM
Inelastic Dark Matter
Laura Covi
Inelastic Dark Matter
Laura Covi
10:15 AM - 10:35 AM
2:00 PM
Dark matter, dark energy, and cosmological scalar fields
Alexandre Arbey
Lyon University
Dark matter, dark energy, and cosmological scalar fields
Alexandre Arbey
Lyon University
2:00 PM - 2:20 PM
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
10:15 AM
'Photon-axion mixing in a Randall-Sundrum model
Sourov Roy
Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
'Photon-axion mixing in a Randall-Sundrum model
Sourov Roy
Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
10:15 AM - 10:35 AM
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
10:15 AM
Theta vacuum in QCD and the strong CP problem
Paolo Di Vecchia
Theta vacuum in QCD and the strong CP problem
Paolo Di Vecchia
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008