July 27, 2015 to August 21, 2015
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Measures of diffusion regions applied to 2D PIC reconnection simulations

Aug 12, 2015, 4:10 PM
FD5 (FD5)



Invited Workshop, August 10-14 Afternoon III


Prof. Martin Goldman (University of Colorado at Boulder)


The primary goal of the current NASA-MMS mission is to "identify and study diffusion regions during magnetic reconnection in Earth's magnetopause and magnetotail. Yet the term diffusion region is often misunderstood and can be ambiguous. Different conditions for a region to be a "diffusion region" are interpreted theoretically, related to each other and applied to 2D PIC simulations. None of the conditions is both necessary and sufficient for topological reconnection to occur. During magnetic reconnection in a kinetic plasma key differences are found between the locations of diffusion regions in the electron fluid, the ion fluid and a single (MHD) fluid.

Primary author

Prof. Martin Goldman (University of Colorado at Boulder)


Dr David Newman (University of Colorado at Boulder) Prof. Giovanni Lapenta (Catholic University, Leuven, Belgium)

Presentation materials