July 27, 2015 to August 21, 2015
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Recent progresses on laser driven magnetic reconnection

Aug 12, 2015, 11:10 AM
FD5 (FD5)



Invited Workshop, August 10-14 Pre-noon III


Dr Jiayong Zhong (Department of Astronomy, Beijing Normal University)


Laser driven magnetic reconnection (LDMR) is constructed with self- generated B fields has been experimentally and theoretically studied extensively, where more than Mega-Gauss strong B fields are spontaneously generated in high-power laser-plasma interactions, which located on the target surface and produced by non- parallel temperature and density gradients of expanding plasmas. For the properties of short lived and strong B fields in laser plasmas, LDMR opened up a new territory in a parameter regime not covered before. Here we will report the recent LDMR experimental results performed on Shenguang II lasers, which is aimed to understand the basic physical processes, such as particle accelerations, scale of diffusion region, and guide fields effects et al.

Primary author

Dr Jiayong Zhong (Department of Astronomy, Beijing Normal University)

Presentation materials