Jun 14 – 16, 2023
AlbaNova Main Building
Europe/Stockholm timezone


The deadline for the payment is the same as that of the registration 5 May, but please pay as soon as possible.

The preferred way of paying for the conference is over Swish.

Details for the payment:

  • Fysikum Swish number is 1232847762
  • On the message line, state Fysikdagarna2023 (and your name)
  • Your transfer is also linked to your name through the telephone number

The conference fee is 2125 SEK (1700+VAT 425 SEK) for regular participants. The conference fee include coffee breaks each day, poster session Wednesday one drink, and conference dinner Wednesday.

High school teachers, school teachers and undergraduate students can apply for a reduced conference fee of 875 SEK (700+VAT 175 SEK) when they register for the conference.

The registration fee is waived for invited plenary speakers.

The fee for the conference dinner for an accompanying person is 625 SEK (500+VAT 125 SEK).


Notice change in program: Lunch catering is organised within the conference in the poster area.


Registration - Do not forget to complete the registration in time. Deadline: 5 May.

Call for Abstracts - You are encouraged to contribute actively to the meeting, and submit an abstract. Deadline: 21 April  5 May(extended).

For questions, please contact the organisers; odelius@fysik.su.se.