Jun 14 – 16, 2023
AlbaNova Main Building
Europe/Stockholm timezone


Registration for Fysikdagarna 2023

Opened Feb 24, 2023
Closed Jun 7, 2023
Contact info
Michael Odelius odelius@fysik.su.se

Here you register for Fysikdagarna 2023. In the registration form, you are asked to give information about your attendence and participation in particular activities, to facilitate the arrangements for the conference.

Notice that your registration will have to be approved before showing up in the Participant List.

After completing the registration, please follow the links:

- where you can find information about the conference fee. Deadline: 5 May.
Call for Abstracts - where you can submit an abstract. We welcome and encourage active contributions to the conference. Deadline: 5 May.

Please register as soon as possible, and in particular sign up for the excursions. The workshop at Nobel museum and the guide tour at Ytterby gruva can handle a limited number of participants only. Hence, although everybody is welcome to sign up, we will prioritize teachers in high-school and elementary school.

We have not organised any particular conference hotel, but we notice that Elite Hotel Arcadia och  Hotel Birger Jarl are close by, and many other hotels in close proximity.

If you have questions, please contact Michael Odelius odelius@fysik.su.se

Registration is closed
The registration period has passed.