28 June 2010 to 2 July 2010
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Quantum integrable spin systems and generalized Schur - Weyl duality

28 Jun 2010, 11:30
Oskar Klein lecture hall (Nordita)

Oskar Klein lecture hall



Petr Kulish (St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute)


There are integrable (solvable) spin systems related to quantum groups (quasi-triangular Hopf algebras), with simple structure of space of states. The integrals of motion belong to a quotient A of the braid group, which is a centralizer of the symmetry quantum group of the system. The space of states is a direct sum of of tensor products of corresponding irreducible representations of A and the quantum group. This decomposition is multiplicity free.

Primary author

Petr Kulish (St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute)

Presentation materials