Marcus Dahlström
(Lunds universitet)
Welcome to the session for Atomic, Molecular and Optical (AMO) physics during the Swedish Physics Days in Stockholm 2023! The AMO section of the Swedish Physical Society will arrange a scientific program for the AMO session that highlights the breadth of ongoing AMO research in Sweden with invited speakers from Lund, Göteborg, Stockholm, Uppsala and Umeå. In addition, a number of contributed talks will be selected from submitted abstracts to the AMO session. The AMO board consists of:
- Aleksandra Foltynowicz Matyba, Umeå universitet
- Jon Grumer, Uppsala universitet
- Åsa Larsson, Stockholms universitet
- Michael Odelius, Stockholms universitet
- Vitali Zhaunerchyk, Göteborgs universitet
- Noelle Walsh, MAX IV
- Marcus Dahlström, Lunds universitet (chair)
Primary author
Marcus Dahlström
(Lunds universitet)