Jun 14 – 16, 2023
AlbaNova Main Building
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Mutual neutralization of hydrogen and deuterium anions with Li, O , N and C cations at DESIREE

Jun 14, 2023, 11:30 AM
FB42 (AlbaNova Main Building)


AlbaNova Main Building

Speaker in AMO session Sektionen för atom-, molekyl- och optisk fysik Sektionen för atom-, molekyl- och optisk fysik


Alice Frederike Schmidt-May (Stockholm University)


We present mutual neutralization studies of $^{1,2}$H$^-$ with Li$^+$, O$^+$, N$^+$ and C$^+$ at DESIREE. The systems are of astrophysical interest and the collisions take place at sub-electronvolt energies which are typical collision energies in cold stellar photospheres. The most prominent finding is a strong isotope effect on the branching fraction into Li(3s), which constitutes one of the first and only observations of its kind. We compare our results to theoretical predictions with varying degree of agreement.

Primary author

Alice Frederike Schmidt-May (Stockholm University)


Gustav Eklund (Stockholm University) Henning Schmidt (Stockholm University) Henning Zettergren (Stockholm University) Henrik Cederquist (Physics Department, Stockholm University) Dr Jon Grumer (Uppsala Universitet) Dr MingChao Ji (Stockholm University) Prof. Paul Barklem (Uppsala Universitet) Stefan Rosén (Stockholms Universitet)

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