Jan 16 – 27, 2023
Albano Building 3
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Group Photo

Scope and purpose

Nordita will host the winter 2023 school on Dynamics of Open Classical and Quantum systems in Jan 16-27, 2023 in Stockholm. The main audience of the school are PhD students, advanced Master students and postdocs. Lectures on specific topics will start with a broad introduction of the subjects and move on to describe the current concepts and results in this rapidly evolving field. 

We particularly encourage students from Nordic and Baltic regions to attend.  Participants from all other regions also will be considered, but priority for in-person attendance will be given to applications from the above regions.

The winter school in Nordita takes place annually on different subtopics in theoretical physics. Every 3-4 years the school is focused on condensed matter topics; one can have a look at the previous condensed matter schools below:                    
2011 - https://nordita.org/winterschool2011                    
2014 - https://nordita.org/winterschool2014                    
2018 - https://nordita.org/winterschool2018                    

In 2023 the school will contain 2 weeks of lectures in 10 topics. Each lecture course contains 4 hours of lectures with possible on-site tutorials (depending on the lecturer). The way in which the schedule is structured aims at having classical and quantum topics on corresponding phenomena close to each other (please see the list of topics and the schedule structure below).


The participants (including lecturers) are supposed to come in person to Nordita. It will be possible to contribute to a poster session.

For those who would like to get a prior acquaintance with the topics of the school, we are considering to organize some brief online introductions a few days before the school starts. This will depend on the amount of interested participants. 

During the weekend between the two weeks of the school there will be a lab tour of experimental facilities at the Albanova campus.

Zoom coordinates 

Access to the zoom room is open. 

Join the virtual room here: https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/j/69077715560

The in-person event will take place in Nordita building (please see the map):   
Albano Building 3   
Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

Online tutorial lecturers

Cristobal Arratia                     
Introduction to fluids and waves
Maria Hermanns                      
(Stockholm Uni)
Introduction to the topological quantum systems


Julia Yeomans                     
Active Matter
Lea F. Santos                     
Time Scales and Manifestations of Chaos in Many-Body Quantum Dynamics
Massimiliano Esposito                    
(Uni Luxembourg)
Introduction to Stochastic Thermodynamics
Janine Splettstösser                     
Quantum and nanoscale thermodynamics
Sinead Griffin                     
(L.Berkeley Nat.Lab)
Quantum materials for dark matter detection
Antoine Venaille                     
(ENS Lyon)
Waves of topological origin in fluids
Dieter Jaksch                      
Dynamical symmetries in open many-body quantum systems
Andre Eckardt                     
(TU Berlin)
Floquet engineering of isolated and open quantum systems
Dominik Juraschek                     
(Tel Aviv Uni)
Shaken, not strained: How to control materials properties with nonlinear phononics
Habib Rostami                     
(University of Bath) 
Nonlinear response theory in quantum materials

The lecture courses which are already published on Enabla.com have the corresponding weblinks (as well as the lectures separately below)

Schedule structure (preliminary)

LecturerDate and TimeLecture title
Jan 11
Cristobal Arratia 13:00 - 14:00Online pre-lecture: Introduction to fluids and waves
Jan 12
Maria Hermanns 13:00 - 14:00Online pre-lecture: Introduction to the topological quantum systems
First week
Jan 16
Organizers9:15 - 9:30School opening
Julia Yeomans

9:30 - 10:30

11:15 - 12:15

1) Active Matter

2) Active Matter

 Lunch break 
Lea F. Santos (online)


16:45 - 17:45

1) Time Scales and Manifestations of Chaos in Many-Body Quantum Dynamics

2) Time Scales and Manifestations of Chaos in Many-Body Quantum Dynamics

Jan 17
Julia Yeomans 

9:30 - 10:30

11:15 - 12:15

3) Active Matter

4) Active Matter

 Lunch break 
Massimiliano Esposito


16:45 - 17:45

1) Introduction to Stochastic Thermodynamics

2) Introduction to Stochastic Thermodynamics

All participants19:00 - 20:30Reception (Proviant canteen)
Jan 18
Massimiliano Esposito

9:30 - 10:30

11:15 - 12:15

3) Introduction to Stochastic Thermodynamics

4) Introduction to Stochastic Thermodynamics

 Lunch break 
Poster session-114:00-15:45Poster session-1
Lea F. Santos (online)


17:45 - 18:45

3) Time Scales and Manifestations of Chaos in Many-Body Quantum Dynamics

4) Time Scales and Manifestations of Chaos in Many-Body Quantum Dynamics

Jan 19
Janine Splettstösser

 9:30 - 10:30

11:15 - 12:15

1) Quantum and nanoscale thermodynamics

2) Quantum and nanoscale thermodynamics

 Lunch break 
Sinead Griffin 


16:45 - 17:45

1) Quantum materials for dark matter detection

2) Quantum materials for dark matter detection

Jan 20
Janine Splettstösser

9:30 - 10:30

11:15 - 12:15

3) Quantum and nanoscale thermodynamics

4) Quantum and nanoscale thermodynamics

 Lunch break 
Sinead Griffin


16:45 - 17:45

3) Quantum materials for dark matter detection

4) Quantum materials for dark matter detection

Jan 22
Lab tour

Meet at 9:45 at   
Nordita entrance    
(3rd floor)   
10:00 - 13:00

Scanning tunneling microscopy,     
Optical guide lab,     
Second week
Jan 23
Antoine Venaille 

9:30 - 10:30

11:15 - 12:15

1) Waves of topological origin in fluids

2) Waves of topological origin in fluids

 Lunch break 
Dieter Jaksch (online)


17:45 - 18:45

1) Dynamical symmetries in open many-body quantum systems

2) Dynamical symmetries in open many-body quantum systems

Jan 24
Antoine Venaille

9:30 - 10:30

11:15 - 12:15

3) Waves of topological origin in fluids

4) Waves of topological origin in fluids

 Lunch break 

 Dieter Jaksch (online)



16:45 - 17:45

3) Dynamical symmetries in open many-body quantum systems

4) Dynamical symmetries in open many-body quantum systems

All the participants19:00 - ...School dinner. Restaurant "Cypern"
Jan 25
Andre Eckardt 

9:30 - 10:30

11:15 - 12:15

1) Floquet engineering of isolated and open quantum systems

2) Floquet engineering of isolated and open quantum systems

 Lunch break 
Dominik Juraschek14:00-15:001) Shaken, not strained: How to control materials properties with nonlinear phononics
Habib Rostami 15:45 - 16:451) Nonlinear response theory in quantum materials
Poster session-217:00 - 18:45Poster session-2
Jan 26
Andre Eckardt

9:30 - 10:30

11:15 - 12:15

3) Floquet engineering of isolated and open quantum systems

4) Floquet engineering of isolated and open quantum systems

 Lunch break 
Habib Rostami15:00-16:002) Nonlinear response theory in quantum materials
Dominik Juraschek16:45 - 17:452) Shaken, not strained: How to control materials properties with nonlinear phononics
Jan 27
Dominik Juraschek

9:30 - 10:30

11:15 - 12:15

3) Shaken, not strained: How to control materials properties with nonlinear phononics

4) Shaken, not strained: How to control materials properties with nonlinear phononics

 Lunch break 
Habib Rostami 


16:45 - 17:45

3) Nonlinear response theory in quantum materials

4) Nonlinear response theory in quantum materials

Organizers17:45 - 18:00School closing remarks

 Program structure (at glance)

LecturerJan 11Jan 12---Jan 16Jan 17Jan 18Jan 19Jan 20Jan 21Jan 22Jan 23Jan 24Jan 25Jan 26Jan 27
Cristobal Arratia 1h (online)              
Maria Hermanns  1h (online)             
Julia Yeomans    2h2h          
Lea F. Santos    2h 2h         
Massimiliano Esposito    2h2h         
Janine Splettstösser       2h2h       
Sinead Griffin       2h2h       
Experimental lab tour         some hours     
Antoine Venaille           2h2h   
Dieter Jaksch           2h2h   
Andre Eckardt             2h2h 
Dominik Juraschek            1h1h2h
Habib Rostami             1h1h2h

The arrival of participants will be in the weekend after the online tutorial lectures

** Coffee breaks will take place at Nordita, on floor 6 at Albano Building 3. Participants can serve themselves tea, or coffee from our espresso machines. Cookies will also be served in the kitchen area.

*** Lunch will take place at the campus restaurant Proviant, right across the street from floor 4.


Poster contributors  

Riya BARUAH "Adiabatic Cooper Pair Splitter"
Karol BIAŁAS  
Guangze CHEN "Topological spin excitations in non-Hermitian spin chains..." 
Agnieszka JAŻDŻEWSKA  
Sreenath KIZHAKKUMPURATH MANIKANDAN "Autonomous quantum absorbtion refrigerators..." 
Yuefei LIU "Magnonics: the quantum entanglement in antiferromagnetic materials"
Goran NAKERST "Spectra of random sparse generators of Markovian evolution" 
Enrique ROZAS GARCIA "Band tails in disordered systems" 
Ludovico TESSER  
Mateusz WIŚNIEWSKI "Anomalous transport in driven periodic systems..."

The posters are available via the link under the poster title (if any).

Accommodation information

The accommodation in BizApartments in Gärdet, Stockholm is covered by Nordita for all the external in-person participants (both lecturers and students). Additional information will be provided via email.

Application for students (closed) - only online and local can still apply during the school

If you are interested in participating in the school, please apply via the application form (see menu on the left sidebar). 

The school is intended primarily for PhD students, post-docs, and advanced Masters students from the Nordic and Baltic countries. 

You apply to the Nordita Winter School in three steps:

  1. Fill in the application form in the menu to the left
  2. Upload your CV as attachment to the application form
  3. Ask your supervisor or other person to send a recommendation letter to event@nordita.org with subject/title "Nordita Winter School 2023. Recommedation"

Note that all three steps must be completed by December 5, 2022 (closed).                  
Online and local (Stockholm area) participants can still apply.


Organizing Committee 

Alexander Balatsky                    
Ralf Eichhorn                    
Cristobal Arratia                    
Ivan M. Khaymovich


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