Vaios Ziogas
(Durham University)
04/10/2017, 11:30
In this talk I will consider transport of conserved charges
in strongly coupled quantum systems with broken
translations, using holographic techniques. Such systems are
relevant in condensed matter physics in the context of
spontaneous symmetry breaking as well as in the context of
momentum relaxation through a lattice. In this setup of
reduced symmetry, I will give the precise...
Alexander Krikun
(Leiden University)
04/10/2017, 12:00
As soon as one considers the holographic model with
spontaneous translation symmetry breaking on top of the
background, which posses explicit modulation of the chemical
potential, one encounters a broad range of interesting
physical phenomena related to the commensurate lock in
between these two spacial structures. I will show that in
this holographic framework one can relyiably address...
Gurau Razvan
(Ecole Polytechnique and CNRS)
04/10/2017, 14:00
Random Tensors generalize random matrices to higher
dimensions. In the large N limit random tensors exhibit a
new universal behavior dominated by melonic graphs. In this
talk I will review the basics of Random Tensor theory and
discuss this new universal behavior.
Aurelio Romero-Bermudez
(Leiden University)
04/10/2017, 14:45
I will show that a generalised SYK model with an additional
one-body infinite-range random interaction, which is a
relevant perturbation in the infrared, is still quantum
chaotic for a fixed value of the perturbation and
sufficiently high temperature. I will also show that, at low
temperature, this model shows a chaotic-to-integrable
transition. [arXiv:1707.02197]
Christiana Pantelidou
(Durham University)
04/10/2017, 15:45
I will discuss the holographic dual of strongly coupled,
four-dimensional SYM with massless flavour in the Veneziano
limit at finite quark density and finite temperature. The
fundamental degrees of freedom are modelled by a
distribution of D7-branes with a non-vanishing electric
field on their worldvolume that backreacts on the geometry
of a stack of colour D3-branes. I will present the...
Andrew Lucas
(Stanford University)
06/10/2017, 11:45
Quantum chaos describes the dynamics of a many-body system
at the onset of thermalization, while hydrodynamics
describes the late time dynamics after thermalization has
occurred locally. Consistency between these two
descriptions provides constraints linking hydrodynamic data
such as diffusion constants and sound speeds to quantum
chaos. I will show that in large N quantum field...