IRIS-6: The Chromosphere

FR4 (AlbaNova University Centre)


AlbaNova University Centre

Oskar Klein Auditorium

The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers interested in the physics of the solar chromosphere and its connections to the photosphere and corona from both an observational (whether with IRIS or with other observatories) and a theoretical point of view.

Venue: AlbaNova University Centre, Stockholm, Sweden.

IRIS-6 is organised by the Institute for Solar Physics which is managed by Stockholm University through its Department of Astronomy.

Important dates
15 January: Registration opens.
30 March: Last day for abstract submissions and applications for travel grants.
Abstracts for posters may still be considered until the poster slots are full.
15 May: Last day for registrations. Registration has now closed
20 May: Final day for reservations/cancellations of block-booked hotel rooms.

Sponsors: European Space Agency, Swedish Research Council

Registration: Registration has now closed. The registration fee is 2500 SEK. The registration portal is handled by BCD Travel and is situated outside this website. Payment via credit card. A RECEIPT is sent after a few days when the payment has been handled. The fee includes lunches and coffee breaks during the conference days, the welcome reception, and the Wednesday evening boat trip and dinner. You can bring a guest to the conference dinner for a fee of 1000 SEK.

Travel grants: A limited number of travel grants are available for scientists from ESA member countries. The call has now closed and applicants have been informed of the decisions.

Contributions: Invited talks are 25+5 min and contributed talks are 15+5 min long. Posters should be of the paper variety with A0 as the maximum size. Submit abstracts at the BCD registration portal.


Invited Speakers:

Patrick Antolin
Mats Carlsson
Manolo Collados
Jaime de la Cruz Rodríguez
Ryohko Ishikawa
Lucia Kleint
David Orozco Suárez
Hardi Peter
Bart De Pontieu
Gary Verth
Alfred de Wijn


Scientific organizing committee:

Gianna CauzziINAF
Bernhard FleckESA, co-chair
David Jess QUB
Elena Khomenko IAC
Andreas Lagg MPS
Jorrit Leenaarts Stockholm, chair
Joten Okamoto ISAS
Luc Rouppe van der Voort Oslo
Paola Testa CfA

Local organizing committee:

Johan Bjørgen
David Bühler
Sara Esteban Pozuelo
Jayant Joshi
Dan Kiselmanchair
Jorrit Leenaarts
Tine Libbrechtco-chair
Mats Löfdahl
Hiva Pazira
Carolina Robustini
Andrii Sukhorukov


