Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden
Long-range interacting systems, characterized by an interaction that decays as an inverse power-law in the separation between the system constituents, abound in nature, e.g., gravitational and Coulomb interactions. In the last decades, the field has grown significantly, both in the statistical physics community where the peculiar dynamic and thermodynamic properties of such systems have been unveiled, and in atomic and quantum many-body physics community, where long-range interactions have become accessible in ion-trap experiments, ultracold atomic gas, cavity quantum electrodynamics, etc. The interplay between the effects of non-local interactions and the quantum dynamics of correlation has developed as a subject of growing interest, in particular, in complex materials featuring unconventional behaviour of topological phases and non-trivial non-equilibrium dynamics. A major emphasis has been on developing and investigating tools and techniques, both theoretical and experimental, to address the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of long-range systems.
The conference aims to bring together leading experts working in the field of long-range interacting systems and quantum dynamics, with applications to complex quantum systems and materials. Long-range interactions are accessible in several quantum platforms, and this new recent opportunity is crucial for current theoretical and experimental investigations, with major implications to the study and control of quantum dynamics. The development of an interaction between the long-range, the non-equilibrium, and the complex materials communities is a timely task, the one which we aim to achieve in this meeting.
Topics to be covered
1. Thermodynamics and transport in long-range systems
2. Nonequilibrium dynamics, including Kibble-Zurek scaling and adiabatic driving
3. Pre-thermalisation and eigenstate thermalization
4. Random systems
5. Dynamics in complex quantum systems
6. Experimental platforms
The meeting will start on 23 June 2025 at 2:30pm and will end on 25 June 2025 at 6pm.
Invited Speakers
- Claudia Artiaco, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
- Jens Bardarson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
- Alessandro Campa, ISS, Italy
- Nicolo Defenu, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- Alexey Gorshkov, University of Maryland, USA
- Manas Kulkarni, ICTS-TIFR, India
- Subroto Mukerjee, IISc, India
Giulia Piccitto, Università di Catania, Italy
- Ana Maria Rey, NIST/University of Colorado Boulder, USA
- Keiji Saito, Kyoto University, Japan
- Lea Santos, Uni Connecticut, USA
- Krishnendu Sengupta, IACS, India
Organizing Committee Members
Alexander Balatsky, NORDITA, Stockholm, Sweden
Shamik Gupta, Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR, Mumbai, India (main organizer)
Ilaria Maccari, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Giovanna Morigi, Saarland University, Saarbrucken, Germany
Stefano Ruffo, SISSA, Trieste, Italy
Andrea Trombettoni, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy
Nordita has booked a limited number of rooms at Biz Apartment Gärdet. Accommodation for invited speakers is prioritized and can be arranged and paid for by Nordita after formal request via the registration form. Accommodation may be arranged for selected participants provided there's availability and funds.
Please be aware that scammers sometimes approach participants claiming to be able to provide accommodation and asking for credit card details. Do not give this information to them! If you are in any doubt about the legitimacy of an approach, please get in contact with the organizers.
Travel support
We are unable to provide any travel support.
Registration closes on 16 June 2025. Acceptance of participation together with logistic information will be communicated by email to the selected participants by 23 June 2025.
You can apply/register here
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