Bert Schellekens
30/05/2011, 10:00
Bert Schellekens
31/05/2011, 10:00
Alberto Lerda
02/06/2011, 10:00
Alberto Lerda
03/06/2011, 10:00
Joseph Conlon
06/06/2011, 13:30
I give an overview of the LARGE volume scenario. The focus
is on more recent developments involving supersymmetry
breaking, sequestering and the structure of soft terms. I
describe the current status of the scenario and the main
open problems within it.
Pascal Anastasopoulos
07/06/2011, 15:00
I am planning to give a solid introduction on 1-loop adjoint
masses in intersecting D-brane worlds. I will mainly focus
on models with broken supersymmetry in intersecting D-brane
configurations by slight deviation of the angles from their
supersymmetric values. This was discussed in our recent
paper 1105.0591 [hep-th] with Antoniadis, Benakli, Goodsell,
Vichi. In the open string...
Hans-Peter Nilles
16/06/2011, 10:00
Fernando Marchesano
(Madrid, IFT)
16/06/2011, 13:30
I will review the results of the papers 0910.5496 and
1104.2609, that deal with the computation of Yukawa
couplings in local GUT F-theory models and with how
non-perturbative effects can solve the 'rank-one' problem of
these models.
Hans-Peter Nilles
17/06/2011, 10:00
Henry Tye
(IAS Hong Kong)
17/06/2011, 13:30
I shall review tunneling in scalar quantum field theory and
propose an experimental test of the idea of resonant tunneling.
Francesco Sannino
21/06/2011, 11:00
The bulk of the visible component of the universe is
constituted by protons and neutrons which are composite
particles. It is therefore natural to ask if the missing
ingredients such as the Higgs, dark matter particles and
inflation can also be composite. We will present the
state-of-the-art of this ambitious program.
Wilfried Buchmüller
21/06/2011, 13:30
Paul Koerber
(KU Leuven)
22/06/2011, 13:30
De Sitter solutions play an important role in cosmology and
the construction of realistic vacua. They seem however
notoriously difficult
to construct in string theory or supergravity. I'll talk
about the search for de Sitter solutions in classical
supergravity and discuss a relatively simple example in more
detail. I'll review the advantages and drawbacks of this
Mirjam Cvetic
23/06/2011, 13:30
We address issues of systematic studies of non-perturbative
effects in string theory due to string instantons by
focusing on Type IIB and F-theory. We point out that the
computability of such effects results in systems of
diophantine equations, thus reducing to
Hilbert's 10th problem. We also address instanton zero
modes and non-perturbative superpotential calculations
directly in...