Jan 15 – 26, 2024
Albano Building 3
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Reading Material

Note that the lecture notes (if available) are also linked to the detailed schedule.

David Marsh Axion Cosmology & Astrophysics

Jan Steinhoff Physics of gravitational waves

Paolo Di Vecchia CP(N) model at large-N

Magdalena Larfors Machine learning and string theory

Martin S. Sloth Inflation

  • Lecture notes 1, 2 and 3.

Henrik Johansson Gravitational amplitudes and black holes

Konstantin Zarembo Exact S-matrices

Florian Niedermann Introduction to cosmology

Thomas Schwetz-Mangold Neutrino Physics

Giulia Zanderighi - Perturbative QCD

  • Lecture slides 1, 2 and 3.

Michele del Zotto Generalised symmetries