Nordita Winter School 2024 - Particle Physics and Cosmology

Conference center, room 4205, floor 4 (Albano Building 3)

Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

Albano Building 3

Albanovägen 29
Michele Del Zotto, Paolo Di Vecchia (Stockholm University), Henrik Johansson (Nordita/Uppsala U.), Alexander Krikun (Stockholm University, Nordita), Florian Niedermann (Stockholm University), Olof Ohlsson Sax (Nordita), Konstantin Zarembo (Stockholm University)

Group Photo


Registration, 15 Jan. 09:15: Albano Campus, House 3, floor 6 (Nordita building)

Lectures: Room 4205, Conference Center, Albano Campus, House 3, floor 4 (Nordita building)

Workspaces: Use the open desks throughout floor 6 and floor 5 (east).

Coffee: Help yourself to free coffee in Nordita’s kitchens on floor 6 and floor 5 (east).


The purpose of this winter school is to provide introductory courses in a range of important and exciting topics in the field of theoretical particle physics and cosmology, including gravitational waves, scattering theory, integrability, black holes, axion physics, inflation, string theory and neutrino physics. The school will also bring together students and young postdocs across different fields, research institutions and countries. 


The school will start on Monday, January 15 and will end on Thursday, January 26. There will be no lecture on Sunday, January 21. 

The registration on Monday, January 15 starts at 09:15 on floor 6, and the welcome address takes place in the lecture room on floor 4 at 09:50.         

Update: The lectures on Wednesday, January 24, will take place in Uppsala in conjunction with the inauguration of the Centre for Geometry and Physics

We will take train 814, leaving Sthlm Central at 8:36, and will arrive in Uppsala at 9:15. The lecture starts at 10:15 in the Ångström Laboratory/4001 (see also the detailed campus map). The train back to Stockholm (857) leaves at 17:44.

The schedule in Uppsala (Jan. 24):

Lecture 1: 10:15 - 11:00   
Lecture 2: 11:00 -12:00

Lunch: 12:00-13:00

Ceremony: 13:00-14:30   
Fika: 14:30-15:00

Lecture 3: 15:15-16:15



Week one:









09:15 – 10:00




10:00 – 11:00

Michele del Zotto

Thomas Schwetz

Giulia Zanderighi

Henrik Johansson

Florian Niedermann



11:00 – 11:20







11:20 – 12:20

Giulia Zanderighi

Michele del Zotto

Thomas Schwetz



Henrik Johansson

Florian Niedermann

12:20 – 14:00







14:00 – 15:00







15:00 – 16:00

Thomas Schwetz

Giulia Zanderighi 

Michele del Zotto 

Henrik Johansson



Florian Niedermann

16:00 – 17:30











Week two:







09:00 – 10:00




10:00 – 11:00

Martin S. Sloth

Magdalena Larfors

David Marsh

Jan Steinhoff

Jan Steinhoff

11:00 – 11:20



David Marsh



11:20 – 12:20

Paolo Di Vecchia

Martin S. Sloth

David Marsh

Magdalena Larfors


12:20 – 14:00





Centre G & P Nekrasov

14:00 – 15:00





15:00 – 16:00

Martin S. Sloth

Paolo Di Vecchia

Paolo Di Vecchia

Magdalena Larfors

Jan Steinhoff

16:00 – 17:30

Fika and Posters










Note that the end date has been changed to Jan 26. The posters are displayed during the second week. A detailed schedule can be found here


  • Michele del Zotto (Uppsala University)             
    Generalized symmetries
  • Paolo Di Vecchia (Nordita)             
    CP(N) model at large-N
  • Henrik Johansson (Uppsala University and Nordita)             
    Gravitational amplitudes and black holes
  • Magdalena Larfors (Uppsala University)             
    Machine learning and string theory
  • David Marsh (Stockholm University)             
    Axions in astroparticle physics and cosmology
  • Florian Niedermann (Nordita)             
    Introduction to cosmology
  • Martin S. Sloth (Universe-Origins, SDU)             
  • Thomas Schwetz (KIT, Karlsruhe)             
    Neutrino physics
  • Jan Steinhoff (AEI, Potsdam)             
    Physics of gravitational waves
  • Giulia Zanderighi (MPI, Munich)              
    Perturbative QCD
  • Konstantin Zarembo (Nordita)             
    Exact S-matrices



Financial Support

Students and postdocs from Nordic and Baltic countries can apply for financial support covering accomodation and/or travel expenses. A short motivational paragraph is requested in the registration form (max 100 words). 


The school is primarily intended for PhD students and young postdocs. Advanced master students may also apply. In order to apply to the Nordita winter school, please fill out the application form (PhD and master students need to state the supervisor's name). Show that you are eligible to the school by providing keywords that describe your research interests (and optionally adding references to relevant papers).

The registration deadline is November 5, 2023 (extended). We will inform you about the outcome of your application before the end of November.

Invited speakers should also fill out the registration form, but only the indicated sections.

Organizing Committee

Michele Del Zotto    
Paolo Di Vecchia    
Henrik Johansson           
Alexander Krikun           
Florian Niedermann              
Olof Ohlsson Sax              
Konstantin Zarembo


Sponsored by:


    • 1
      Welcome Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 2
      Generalized Symmetries and Topological Operators Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Michele Del Zotto
    • 11:00
      Coffee Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 3
      Perturbative QCD Albano 3: 4205 - SU Conference Room (40 seats)

      Albano 3: 4205 - SU Conference Room (40 seats)

      Albano Building 3

      Speaker: Giulia Zanderighi
    • 12:20
      Lunch Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 14:00
      Study Time Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 4
      Neutrino physics Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speakers: Thomas Schwetz-Mangold (KIT), Thomas Schwetz-Mangold (CERN)
    • 16:00
      Study time Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 5
      Neutrino physics Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speakers: Thomas Schwetz-Mangold (CERN), Thomas Schwetz-Mangold (KIT)
    • 11:00
      Coffee Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 6
      Generalized Symmetries and Topological Operators Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Michele Del Zotto
    • 12:20
      Lunch Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 14:00
      Study Time Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 7
      Perturbative QCD Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Giulia Zanderighi
    • 16:00
      Study Time Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 8
      Perturbative QCD Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Giulia Zanderighi
    • 11:00
      Coffee Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 9
      Neutrino physics Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speakers: Thomas Schwetz-Mangold (KIT), Thomas Schwetz-Mangold (CERN)
    • 12:20
      Lunch Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 14:00
      Study Time Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 10
      Generalized Symmetries and Topological Operators Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Michele Del Zotto
    • 16:00
      Study Time Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 11
      Gravitational amplitudes and black holes Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Henrik Johansson (Uppsala University, Nordita)
    • 11:00
      Coffee Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 12
      Exact S-matrices Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Konstantin Zarembo (Stockholm University, Nordita)
    • 12:20
      Lunch Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 14:00
      Study Time Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 13
      Gravitational amplitudes and black holes Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Henrik Johansson (Uppsala University, Nordita)
    • 16:00
      Study Time Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 14
      Introduction to cosmology Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Florian Niedermann (Stockholm University, Nordita)
    • 11:00
      Coffee Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 15
      Gravitational amplitudes and black holes Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Henrik Johansson (Uppsala University, Nordita)
    • 12:20
      Lunch Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 14:00
      Study Time Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 16
      Exact S-matrices Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Konstantin Zarembo (Stockholm University, Nordita)
    • 16:00
      Study Time Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 17
      Exact S-matrices Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Konstantin Zarembo (Stockholm University, Nordita)
    • 11:00
      Coffee Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 18
      Introduction to cosmology Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Florian Niedermann (Stockholm University, Nordita)
    • 12:20
      Lunch Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 14:00
      Study Time Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 19
      Introduction to cosmology Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Florian Niedermann (Stockholm University, Nordita)
    • 16:00
      Study Time Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 20
      Inflation Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Martin S. Sloth
    • 11:00
      Coffee Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 21
      CP(N) model at large-N Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Paolo Di Vecchia (Stockholm University, Nordita)
    • 12:20
      Lunch Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 14:00
      Study Time Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 22
      Inflation Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Martin S. Sloth
    • 16:00
      Study Time Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 23
      Machine learning and string theory Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Magdalena Larfors (Uppsala University)
    • 11:00
      Coffee Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 24
      Inflation Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Martin S. Sloth
    • 12:20
      Lunch Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 14:00
      Study Time Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 25
      CP(N) model at large-N Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Paolo Di Vecchia (Stockholm University, Nordita)
    • 16:00
      Study Time Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 09:06
      Transportation to Uppsala via train
    • 26
      Axions in astroparticle physics and cosmology Ångström Laboratory/4001 (Uppsala University)

      Ångström Laboratory/4001

      Uppsala University

      Speaker: David Marsh (Stockholm University)
    • 27
      Axions in astroparticle physics and cosmology Ångström Laboratory/4001 (Uppsala University)

      Ångström Laboratory/4001

      Uppsala University

      Speaker: David Marsh (Stockholm University)
    • 12:00
      Lunch Ångström Laboratory/4001 (Uppsala University)

      Ångström Laboratory/4001

      Uppsala University

      Uppsala University, Ångström canteen
    • 13:00
      Inauguration of the Centre for Geometry and Physics (Uppsala University) Ångström Laboratory/4001 (Uppsala University)

      Ångström Laboratory/4001

      Uppsala University

      Uppsala University, Ångström Laboratory, lecture hall Eva von Bahr

      Nikita Nekrasov

    • 14:30
      Coffee Ångström Laboratory/4001 (Uppsala University)

      Ångström Laboratory/4001

      Uppsala University

      Uppsala University, Ångström Laboratory
    • 28
      CP(N) model at large-N Ångström Laboratory/4001 (Uppsala University)

      Ångström Laboratory/4001

      Uppsala University

      Uppsala University, Ångström 4001
      Speaker: Paolo Di Vecchia (Stockholm University, Nordita)
    • 16:00
      Transportation back to Stockholm
    • 29
      Physics of gravitational waves Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Jan Steinhoff
    • 11:00
      Coffee Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 30
      Axions in astroparticle physics and cosmology Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: David Marsh (Stockholm University)
    • 12:20
      Lunch Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 14:00
      Study Time Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 31
      Machine learning and string theory Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Magdalena Larfors (Uppsala University)
    • 16:00
      Study Time Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 32
      Physics of gravitational waves Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Jan Steinhoff
    • 11:00
      Coffee Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 33
      Machine learning and string theory Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Magdalena Larfors (Uppsala University)
    • 12:20
      Lunch Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 14:00
      Study Time Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
    • 34
      Physics of gravitational waves Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29
      Speaker: Jan Steinhoff
    • 16:00
      Study Time Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Conference center, room 4205, floor 4

      Albano Building 3

      Albanovägen 29