Elizabeth Yang
15/09/2014, 08:45
Performed by Nordita's secretary Elizabeth Yang. The
registration will continue during the whole week. Therefore
participants which do not reach to be registered during the
period given here (i. e. 8:45 - 9:30) can do it afterwards,
for instance within the lunch time.
Axel Brandenburg
15/09/2014, 09:30
Prof. Axel Brandenburg is a member of the Board and Deputy
Director of Nordita.
Thomas Pappenbrock
18/09/2014, 09:00
This talk reviews recent results of coupled-cluster
calculations for rare isotopes, optimization of interaction
from chiral effective field theory, and finite size effects
in the oscillator basis.
Alexander Balatsky,
Ramon Wyss
22/09/2014, 09:30
Alexander Balatsky is one of the four Professors at Nordita.
He is in Condensed Matter Physics.
Ramon Wyss is Professor at the Royal Institute of Technology
(KTH) and Vice President of International Affairs there.
Giancarlo Calvanese-Strinati
22/09/2014, 09:45
Temperature dependence of the pair coherence and healing
lengths for a fermionic superfluid throughout the BCS-BEC
The pair correlation function and the order parameter
correlation function probe, respectively, the intra-pair and
inter-pair correlations of a Fermi gas with attractive
inter-particle interaction. Here, these correlation
functions are
calculated in terms of a...
Andrea Idini,
Toshio Suzuki
23/09/2014, 14:30
T. Suzuki
Nuclear shell structure, nuclear forces and nuclear weak
Shell-model study of spin modes in nuclei have been done
with new shell-model Hamiltonians which have proper tensor
components, and applied to nuclear weak processes at stellar
environments. Roles of nuclear forces, especially the tensor
and three-body interactions, on nuclear structure and shell
Luis Robledo,
Zao-Chun Gao
26/09/2014, 09:30
Luis Robledo
Computational challenges in nuclear EDF calculations.
Zao-Chun Gao
Overlaps and matrix elements of physical operators between
arbitrary HFB states.
Beyond mean field methods have been widely used in various
many-body quantum systems. However, there still are some
problems to be solved in the...
Doru Sabin Delion,
Peter Schuck
30/09/2014, 09:30
Alpha-decay: a computational challenge
D.S. Delion, R.J. Liotta, and A. Dumitrescu
The microscopic description of alpha decay widths is an old
but still challenging issue. The standard mean field plus
residual interaction is not able to reproduce the absolute
value of the decay width. We propose two ways to cure this
defficiency, namely by introducing a new single...
Jouni Suhonen
30/09/2014, 14:30
Gabriel Martinez Pinedo
01/10/2014, 14:30
Nicola Spaldin
02/10/2014, 15:00
Stanislav Borysov
03/10/2014, 09:30
Hugo Adrian Ortega,
Jason Holt
06/10/2014, 14:30
Jason Holt
Nuclear forces and exotic nuclei.
Within the context of valence-space Hamiltonians derived
from different ab initio many-body methods, I will discuss
the importance of 3N forces in understanding and making new
discoveries in two of the most exciting regions of the
nuclear chart: exotic oxygen and calcium isotopes. Beginning
in oxygen, we find that the effects of 3N forces...
Jan Dufek
07/10/2014, 09:30
1)Introduction to Monte Carlo simulations of neutron
transport in nuclear reactors
2) Development of new Monte Carlo methods for reactor
physics applications
Alexandre Leprévost,
Olivier Juillet
08/10/2014, 09:30
Olivier Juillet
Intertwined orders in strongly correlated electron systems.
The quantum phase diagram of the two-dimensional Hubbard
model is investigated through the mixing of unrestricted
Hartree-Fock and BCS wave-functions with symmetry
restoration before variation. The spin, charge, and
superconducting orders entailed in such correlated states
will be discussed as well as their...
Hoshang HEYDARI,
Mohamed Bourennane
09/10/2014, 09:30
Hoshang Heydare
Mohamed Bourennane
Quantum computing
Hoshang Heydari
10/10/2014, 09:30
Takahiro Mizusaki
(Institute of Natural Sciences, Senshu University)
In my presentation, I will present a new approach to numerically solve shell model
calculations and complex scaling calculations, which have real energy eigenvalues and
complex energy eigenvalues, respectively. For shell model calculations, I have already
published in Ref.1 and this new approach works as well as the well-known Lanczos
method. In an application concerning to isospin...
Mike Guidry
(University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Systems of differential equations containing multiple, widely-separated
timescales are termed "stiff". It is commonly believed that specialized
implicit methods must be used to solve such systems because stability limits on
the timestep size make standard explicit integration impractical.
This talk will show that even extremely stiff sets of differential
equations may be solved...
Doru S. Delion
(Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, POB MG-6, Bucharest, Romania)
Nuclear structure is better understood in terms of interacting building blocks.
As the first example we discuss the coupled channel Quasiparticle Random Phase
Approximation (ccQRPA) for even-even deformed nuclei [1]. The basic building blocks
are particle states coupled with the Wigner function to a given total spin.
In this way, we are able to describe collective excitations in deformed...
Alexandre Leprévost
(Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire de Caen - Université de Caen)
The four site Hubbard model is considered from the exact diagonalization and variational
method points of view. We show that a symmetry projected mean-field theory recovers
the exact ground state energy, irrespective of the interaction strength, in contrast to
the conventional Gutzwiller wave-function that will be also considered.
Gerardo Ortiz
(Department of Physics, Indiana University, Bloomington)
In this talk I present a theoretical framework and a computational method to study
the coexistence and competition of thermodynamic phases, and excitations, in
strongly correlated quantum Hamiltonian systems. The general framework is known as
Hierarchical Mean-Field Theory (HMFT), and its essence revolves around the concept
of the relevant elementary degree of freedom (EDOF), e.g., a...
Paul Ayers
(Dept. of Chemistry & Chemical Biology; McMaster University)
Modeling strong correlation is so difficult that theorists often settle for qualitative
descriptions of strongly-correlated substances (e.g. heavy-fermion materials, high-
temperature superconductors). These qualitative approaches are typically based on
model Hamiltonians for which the Schrödinger equation can be solved exactly via the
Bethe ansatz. We recently realized that one can use...
Constantine Yannouleas
(School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology)
The physics of condensed-matter nanosystems exhibits
remarkable analogies with
atomic nuclei. Examples are: Plasmons corresponding to Giant
resonances [1],
electronic shells, de- formed shapes, and fission [2],
beta-type decay, strongly
correlated phenomena associated with symmetry breaking and
symmetry restoration
[3], etc. Most recently, analogies with relativistic
George Bertsch,
George Bertsch (Colloquium)
Feng-Shou ZHANG
(College of Nuclear Science and Technology, Beijing Normal University)
Constraining the neutron-proton effective mass splitting is important for
extracting the momentum dependencies of the symmetry energy. Within the
Boltzmann-Langevin transport model, in which the isospin and momentum-
dependent potential is incorporated, we investigate the neutron-proton
effective mass splitting in central 112;124;132Sn + 112;124;132Sn collisions at
50 MeV/u. It is...
Mike Guidry
(University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Superconductivity and superfluidity having generically recognizable features
are observed or suspected across a strikingly broad range of physical systems:
traditional BCS superconductors, cuprate high-temperature superconductors,
iron-based high-temperature superconductors, organic superconductors,
heavy-fermion superconductors, and superfluid helium-3 in condensed matter, in
Giancarlo Calvanese Strinati
(University of Camerino)
The pair correlation function and the order parameter correlation function probe,
respectively, the intra-pair and inter-pair correlations of a Fermi gas with
attractive inter-particle interaction. Here, these correlation functions are
calculated in terms of a diagrammatic approach, as a function of coupling throughout
the BCS-BEC crossover and of temperature, both in the superfluid and...
Aurel Bulgac
(Seattle, Washington University)
The fascinating dynamics of superfluids, often referred to
as quantum coherence revealed at macroscopic scale, has
challenged both experimentalists and theorists for more than
a century now, starting with electron superconductivity
discovered in 1911 by Heike Kamerlingh Onnes. The
phenomenological two-fluid model of Tizsa and its
final formulation due to Landau, is ultimately a...
Gustavo Scuseria
(Department of Chemistry Department of Physics and Astronomy Department of Materials Science and NanoEngineering Rice University)
Coupled cluster (CC) theory with single and double excitations accurately describes weak
electron correlation but is known to fail in cases of strong static correlation.
Fascinatingly, however, pair coupled cluster doubles (p-CCD), a simplified version of the
theory limited to pair excitations that preserve the seniority of the reference determinant
(i.e., the number of unpaired...